
“The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those crushed in spirit." Psalm 34:18.  Scars. Some you can see and others are invisible but deeply felt nonetheless. The truth is everyone has scars. Some are physical scars and others are painful  scars of the heart. There are people that may choose to avoid you because of your scars. They may use the scars you have against you. They may judge you, make you feel unworthy and sadly because of your scars, see you as "less than." But NOT God! He embraces all of who you are. Every part of YOU. There are no  physical scars or scars of the heart that will lessen His love for you. In fact, God uses each and every scar both visible and invisible ones (scars of the heart) to pour out His healing love and loving grace all over you. The scripture says "He is close to the brokenhearted..." He will meet you at the very place of your brokeness to draw you close to His heart and His healing! You have a savior who is crazy in love with you...scars and all! Grace! Pastor Dave

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