Tears by Pastor Dave

 Tears! There are tears of joy. Tears of anger. Tears of frustration. Tears of being overwhelmed by God's presence. Tears of gratitude. And... tears of a broken heart. Tears from brokenness can weigh so heavy and be so overwhelming that often they seem endless. Each day is a challenge as you try to hide the tears your heart is overflowing with. When actually there is NO reason to hide them at all. In the New Testament book of John chapter 11 there is a powerful story of Jesus meeting with two sisters Mary and Martha because their brother and a dear friend of Jesus...Lazarus died. A mighty miracle was JUST around the corner where Jesus was going to call Lazarus back to life. But verse thirty- five in John chapter 11 ...simply says "Jesus wept" Why would Jesus' weep with the miracle of calling Lazarus back to life just about to happen?  Here's why...the tender heart of Jesus felt the pain, the sorrow and the brokenness that overwhelmed the hearts of Mary and Martha. Please know it's not because Jesus wants to see our pain and struggle but it's in the sorrow and pain that His tears join ours.  He enters into our place of brokenness knowing our tears OFTEN draw us closer to Him. Allow Jesus to embrace you when your heart feels broken beyond words. And when your sorrow is so deep that the only voice you have is spoken through tears...then let Jesus do what He does best. As One who is familiar with tears, pain and overwhelming sorrow He will weep right along with you. The depths of your sorrow will never go unnoticed by a savior who loves you beyond measure. Why? Because...Jesus wept! Rejoicing in His Grace. Pastor Dave

1 Comment

Miriam - September 20th, 2022 at 11:36am

So good! Amen!