Live as Jesus
"Whoever claims to live in Him must live as Jesus did." (1st John 2:6 ) "Live as Jesus did" four simple but powerfully life changing words. (Live as Jesus did) Straight up even though we may fail to do this at times...this should be every Christian's deepest desire and greatest goal.When you think about Peter and forgive the friend who may have hurt and deserted you. When you think about Zaccheus and look beyond a person's past and present and offer them hope to become the person they can truly be in Jesus. When you think about the Samaritan woman at the well and offer THE water of life to those heart's who other's would cast aside and have nothing to do with. When you think about the woman humiliated and frightened beyond words being thrown on the ground before an angry mob and you gently reach down to lift up the one who has fallen. When you think about and care for the very "least of these" (whoever the very least of these in your world may be) when nobody else ever will. When you reach out to the unnoticed, cry with the hurting, encourage the broken and love the unlovable. May our heart's each and everyday grow to be more like our Savior and live out these four life changjng words "live as Jesus did". Rejoicing in His Grace! Pastor Dave.
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Thank the Lord that we have his example to live by!