Pastor Dave
Sometimes you just need to release AND rest! Often it's difficult to release and find rest from what has maybe defined you for so long. Things like over committing, never saying no, and feeling guilty if you're not locked into a busy "panic state." Admittedly it may appear you're on it... not shaken... got it all together... seriously strong. When in reality you're one step a way from losing your marbles and collapsing in tears ...because (and its okay to admit and YOU should) you just cant do it ALL. You'll never actually be your best for others or yourself if you can't release and rest from what's overflowing your already full plate. What are some things you really need to release and find rest from? Release and rest from an over committed schedule. Release and rest from living for people's approval. Release and rest from the stress of being consumed by "What's next." Release and rest from trying to fix everything. Release and rest from feeling you have to explain everything. Release and rest from comparing yourself to others. Release and rest from thinking you are not mom enough or dad enough. Release and rest from feeling you failed by not having a spotless house like those you see on social media. Which F.Y.I. say nothing about the absolute turmoil many hearts in those spotless house's may be experiencing. Just release and rest! In fact did you know you have a personal invitation to release and rest? You's from Jesus and is found in Matthew 11:28 Jesus speaking "Come to me ALL you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest." Who doesn't struggle with weariness? And life straight up seems to go from one burden to the next. Instead of letting your heart and head be overwhelmed with a million things crying out "what now?" answer His invitation. The reality check here is this...physical and emotional burnout are REAL. And Jesus created and designed a VERY special gift He knows we ALL need called REST. It's found in His give the burdened and weary rest. This is a no strings attached totally guilt free invitation. One all our hearts need to answer sooner than later. Besides Jesus just loves it when you come to Him with all the world throws your way. Because when rest can be found no where's found in Him. Jesus needed times of rest. What makes our hearts think we don't? Let Him love on you. Let Him heal you. Who wouldn't love an invitation to rest? Exactly! Let's answer His. Rejoicing in His Grace! Pastor Dave
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Awesome message!!